It was a very quiet meeting this month, probably because of the voting and several of our members being away on hols. We did resolve a few things and organise the staffing of the Guild Stand at the Quilt and Craft Show next month. If you are in town please come to the show and visit us. It is being held at the Convention Centre from 16th to 20th October, opening at 9.00 am and closing 5.00 pm. We would love to see you and have a chat.
Gail is busy painting ornaments for sale at the Craft Show, Deirdre is delivering her Treasurer's report. |
This is the front of Gail's brush wallet. Very nice isn't it. |
Vi is working away on another Memory Box. She has painted so many of late as she is still recovering from a broken ankle and can't get out and about as much as usual. She also baby sits her delightful grand daughter every day, so her days are full. |
Trish is working on an oval piece. Beautiful poppies I think. She has made a good start. |
Looks like everyone is working away very diligently... I hope the craft fair is a huge success for all of you. I'll be stopping by to say hello!