Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Arum Lily Workshop with Pauline Gard

Our next workshop will be on Saturday 1st November when we will paint an Arum Lily with talented teacher Pauline Gard.  Pauline uses 4 colours in this painting and will teach us how to mix and use colours to create effect.  It is painted on a 12" x 24" canvas which should be pre-geossed prior to the workshop.

The workshop will commence at 10.00am in our meeting room on the ground level of the Arthur Scurr Building at the Mt Gravatt Showground.  Please bring your lunch (morning and afternoon tea supplied) and enjoy lots of laughs with other painters. 

The cost is $20 for non-DFAQ members, and free for members.  

Monday, 18 August 2014



The DFAQ has invited Tracey Sims to conduct a workshop on Saturday 6th September, 2014 at Mt Gravatt Showgrounds (Arthur Scurr Room), commencing at 9am, and ending around 3pm.  The cost will be $20 for non-members (free for members).  If you are interested in participating, please email no later than Monday 1st September to register your name and receive the list of requirements.  Morning and afternoon tea will be provided, but please bring your lunch and join a very talented teacher and a group of happy and creative painters for the day. 

Tracey Simms Folk Art Workshop

Tuesday, 29 April 2014



This workshop ‘Just on Dusk’ will be taught on Saturday 7th June, in the Arthur Scurr Room at the Mt Gravatt Showgrounds, beginning at 9.00 am.  We will finish around 3.00 - 4.00 pm.  Its size is approximately A3 on 300gsm watercolour paper.


This delightful scene ‘Paris Street Café’ will be taught on Sunday 8th June, at the Southern Cross Football Club, corner of Logan and Klump Road.  Entrance via Klump Road.  Again the class will begin at 9.00 am and finish around 3.00 - 4.00 pm and is approximately A3 in size

1 day     $40
2 days   $70

1 day     $60
2 days   $110
A non-refundable deposit of $15/day ($30 if attending both days) must be deposited and cleared into the DFAQ bank by Thursday 22nd May to secure a place.  Either send a cheque or make a direct deposit – details below.  The balance can be paid at the class or forwarded by cheque.

For full details please email or write to
Workshop Details,
G.P.O. Box 943,
Mt Gravatt,Q.,
and a brochure detailing requirements list and banking details will be forwarded to you.


Monday, 7 April 2014


We had a great time at the show and were kept busy all the time.  The photos below show some of our merry crew and the size of the stand that we had.  It was a long stand with Judy Minter and Paula Whippy on the lower end selling, the teaching tables in the middle and the sign on and enquiry table on the upper end.  Thanks to our sponsors, Expertise and Chroma who provided us with this space and our paints, aprons and books.
Deirdre manning our sign in table.
Classes in progress.  Thanks to our many helpers who assisted the students to complete their project.  Without them the classes would have been very hard to handle.  They watched for mistakes, gave advice and picked up the mess after, cleaned brushes and sponges, re-laid the tables for the next class and essentially made the classes run smoothly and helped but happy smiles on faces.

The chook pattern was drawn on the bag and blocked in with colour.  Wings, crops, wattles etc. were added and then they had lots of fun painting long curling strokes in all colours in paint and Kindy Glitz to make a very flamboyant tail on the rooster.

Happy smiles with the finished project and some won books (given by Chroma) in lucky draws.

Bags were left to hang on the wall between classes to dry.  Students came back to pick them up before going home.

The butterfly was a stencil in negative and positive.  Very easy to do and everyone's came out a success and very pretty.

More happy faces with their projects.

A time to pause for a laugh.

Wendy D. came from Grafton to help at the show.  Thanks Wendy, your company added to the fun and laughter at the show.

Gail teaching her Rooster.

Brushes cleaned for the next class.
Oh! the bucket brigade!!  To acquire water to clean brushes and sponges etc.  we had to walk down to the storage room way at the back of the centre and navigate around open, spilling boxes to the sink.  Of course it was a small sink and we couldn't get the bucket under the tap????  O.K. so a little invention was needed.  We used this curved ag. pipe to funnel water through while holding the bucket at the edge of the sink.  Worked a treat but had to be careful to tip it up before putting down the bucket to turn off the tap or we got rather wet feet. 
We are now gearing up for the October show.  We don't teach at this show but we do have a nice guild stand and sell painted Christmas items.  So if you are in the area then, come and see us and say hello.

Saturday, 15 February 2014


Our meeting in March will have another small project for those who want to participate.  Gail is going to teach us 'tea bag painting' on water colour paper.  These little projects are small and quick and easy to do.  A permanent pen is needed for the sketchy outline so look back before March and I will have the details for you. 
This little workshop is free to members and $5.00 to non members.  We will meet at 9.00 am and have a meeting at 10.00 am, followed by the workshop. 
If you don't want to participate in the workshop please still come along with your own piece you are working on.  Don't forget, morning and afternoon tea are supplied but it is good if you bring your own mug. 
Hope to see you then.


Our workshop with Lorraine Wingfield was great.  Lorraine is a patient and generous teacher and we all enjoyed our day enormously.  Our canvases were 50cm x 60cm, so quite a nice size on which to work.  Firstly the surface was buttered with texture paste, then painted black, after which the pattern was traced on.
The leaves were base coated in green and then highlighted and shadowed.  The black background was allowed to show through where the shadows were darkest.
Deirdre (above) and Jenny are both doing well.

Lorraine often sat with a member when they needed some extra help.

Judy has almost finished the leaves

Lorraine highlighting the leaves.  We used a large filbert brush for most of the work and used it 'dirty', meaning we did not wash the brush between colours.

In Vi's (above)  and Pam's (below) pieces you can see the pattern in white graphite quite well

Wendy D. came a long way to take part in our workshop and you can see here that we had begun to base and highlight the petals.  The centre stamens were lovely commas in red and yellow. 
The centre was washed with purple when finished which brought it back down into the flower.  

Lorrain is demonstrating the centre commas.  She painted so effortlessly and was so willing to show the steps as often as we needed.  Lorraine has the ability to help you relax during the class and any difficulty is overcome with ease with her help.

Our happy group at the end of the day with the project almost finished.  Well done everyone!  But next time we might leave the fire hose out of the you think?

This is Wendy D.'s finished waterlily.  She emailed it to me this morning.  Very nice Wendy, thank you for sending it on to us.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Hi All,  this is sudden news but we have Lorraine Wingfield coming to teach us a wonderful canvas in February.  This is the only time Lorraine had to come before starting her teaching programmes for the year.
This is a large canvas, 60cm x 45cm, (2' x 1.5'), of a beautiful waterlily (pic attached).  There is a lot of prep work to be done on the canvas before you get it so we need to know for sure who will be coming.  So here are the details, 
Saturday, 1st February starting at 9.00 am. 
Arthur Scurr Room, Mt Gravatt Show Grounds, Logan Road, Mt Gravatt (our usual venue) 
$25.00 + cost of canvas ($11.00) for members
$60.00 + cost of canvas ($11.00) for non-members 
A non-refundable deposit of $15.00 must be deposited and cleared into the DFAQ bank by Tuesday, 21st January, 2014.  Either send a cheque or make a direct deposit - details below. 
Morning and afternoon tea is provided, bringing your own cup/mug is a help. Bring your lunch too. 
Please email DFAQ to express your interest - . 
Bank..   Westpac, Albany Creek.
BSB..     034272  Acct. No. 120394
Account name, Decorative Folk Artists of Qld. Inc. 
Please note - membership is $35.00 if you wish to join and participate in this and subsequent workshops at member’s rates.  Contact details are below. 
If making a direct deposit please insert the word ‘workshop’ and your name in ‘reference’ and if sending a cheque please make the cheque out to Decorative Folk Artists of Qld. Inc. and not DFAQ and post to the address below marking it ‘Workshop’ instead of Membership.


Payment by           Cheque – made out to “Decorative Folk Artists of Qld Inc” – not DFAQ
              Direct Deposit  banking details: Westpac, Albany Creek BSB 034272  Acct No. 120394

                               In reference field, please put your name and the word “membership”  -  advise  Membership Officer or Treasurer that payment deposited.

Please post cheques or money orders to:-
c/- D. Hasson,
79 Heckleman Street,
Carina, Q, 4152
Membership enquiries should be made to -
Membership Officer  -
Faye Goddard  07 3264 2334