The Craft show was a wonderful success. Thank you to all who helped by painting items for sale and/or manning the stall. We sold Christmas decorations as we usually do but we decorated the back of the stall with member's projects. It did look pretty (well I thought so!) and we sold all our decorations! Some of our out-of-towners painted items and posted them in. Thank you so much for that, the pieces were beautiful and assured us that we were part of a larger community. An interesting note: quite a few people came to the stall looking for a teacher. They had painted in the past and wanted to pick it up again. We helped with our teacher's list but so far they have not decided to join our ranks, but maybe there is going to be turn in the craft and we will pick up members again.
We had a lovely visit by Wendy Donoghue from Grafton who helped with the stall for two days. I am told they had a lot of fun on those days.... Thanks Wendy.
Our raffle was won by Sandra Hundloe of Chapel Hill and will be delivered to her soon.
Deirdre busily decorating the stall |
Adding the painted bags. They sold out in two days |
A lovely photo of Vi and our completed stall. They painting of boats in harbour was our raffle. |
This gorgeous painting was on a topper for a bottle to give filled with goodies. Faye painted it on a circle of calico and attached to the top of the bottle with a lovely red ribbon |
These were small bags about 6"x6" and were very popular with the little girls |
Some of the items sent to us from out of town |
This fun painting and the one above were done by Vi. Aren't they great
We were asked at the last minute to put an entry into the Woman's Weekly Challenge. Below is our offering. We didn't win first prize????? but each entry received $150.00 worth of books from the Woman's Weekly. This consisted of three books, one on knitting and two very large tombs on cooking. All lovely books. We decided that three names of all who helped at the show would be drawn to receive the books. Those details will be in our next newsletter.
We were asked to write in 50 words or less the inspiration for our piece. Gum flowers and wattle were chosen being Australian flowers, the title was in green and gold, again Australian colours, the cupcake was in reference to their celebration with a 'High Tea', and the images around the cupcake are covers of Woman's Weekly from 1935 to 2013.
So if you came to the show I hope you had a great time and hope to see you again next year. Remember we will be back in March with a larger stand and lessons.